Saturday, 10 November 2012

the Word

In this project I will pick a word out of a bowl, the word will be my starting point for my project. I can take the word and turn it into anything as long as what I create can lead back to my starting point. The word I picked was BUS, when seeing this word I got very stressed and could not think of any possible way of creating anything from the word 'bus' I am going to further analyse my word and see where that takes me, I shall also ask my peers and others on there interpretation of the word.
When I was given my Word I got very stressed as the breif was changed at the last muinet, I had already chosen what I would do for the other breif and was prepared to create something. After being given my word I had a good think and found a way to create something from my word I am very happy with.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Mini Me

The project 'Mini Me' is too create a mini doll to represent me. When I was given the brief and the template it reminded me of two different films 'Coraline' and a character named Sally from 'The Nightmare before Christmas'. When researching both these films i found them to be very inspirational.

Mood Boards
This mood board is all about me.

This mood is all about my Mini Me project


This video clip is from the begining of the film Coraline, I find this inspirational because of how the doll is being constructed, I like the idea of using buttons for eyes and i will use this when creating my own doll.
I also find this inspirational because it is a very unusual film and at the begining the doll is shown to the audience and the audience is left wondering what the purpose of the doll is for and i want people to wonder what I am going to do with my Mini Me doll.

This is an image of Sally from the film 'The Nightmare before Christmas'. Sally is like a living doll, during the
film Sally jumps out of a window and falls into pieces, and you can see that all off her stuffing has fallen out.

In this image Sally is putting herself back together, after looking at Sally I now want to try and make my doll as life like as possible. I also want to make sure that if my doll is dropped that it will not fall apart and have to be re-stitched.


Viktor and Rolf are an amazing pair of fashion designers, they started out as conceptual designers and in 10 years have become a pair of style icons. They have created a collection called 'the house of Viktor & Rolf '. They have created a dolls house and within are life size dolls, each doll is hand made individually by a doll maker and then clothed in a garment made by Viktor and Rolf. The dolls house has 55 dolls, the dolls look like they were made in the 19th century. 

I used a template to help me create my Mini me, the template was easy to use and i had no problem when sewing the pieces together.

 After i finished sewing the template I found scrap material to stuff my doll with.
After stuffing the head I added buttons to give my doll a face, I used blue buttons as I have blue eyes. i also added lips to make the doll look more like a person.

I have added hair onto my doll the  hair is my old exstentions and the reason for this is beacuse on a day to day basis i wear exstentions and so i added hair because my hair is the one thing i wont leave my house with out being as perfect as i want it to be.
This is a picture of my doll finished and clothed, the cloths are made from an old fabric I bought from a vintage shop in Manchester. The clothing is hand sew and has been made to the best of my ability. The garment is a simple top and skirt.

This is a clearer photo of the garment.

After finishing my doll I did a 'Mini' photoshoot. These are the photos I chose, in the photos i have put my Mini me next or infront of thing that I like or have meaning to me.
 In this photo I put my doll infront of leopard print bedding, I have put my doll infront of this as the bedding was a gift for my 18th.
I have put my doll infront of a light that says 'LOVE', I was given this for my 18th and i have always wanted a love light

In this picture I have put my doll infront of my camera, the camera is special to me as it has come all the way from Edinburgh from a family member.
Mini Evaluation.
In this project I enjoyed creating the doll, the garment and the photoshoot. I am going to use my mini doll in future projects, this way I can create mini garments and a mini photoshoot to go with my projects.  I didn't enjoy the stuffing off the doll and i found it hard to attach the hair, if I decide to make the doll again I will change the style of my template, the amount of stuffing and i will use wool instead of hair.