Friday, 13 December 2013

Pdf creation

I thought turning my layouts into a Pdf would of bin really hard but as it turns its just a adobe software that does it for you all that has to be done is adding the layouts and exporting the program

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

vintage envolopes

I am adding vintage envelopes that I have created to the background of my pdf to give a unique and different style to the Pdf. The envelopes where created by rubbing coffee all over them until they turn brown. Then after they have dried writing a fake address on them and sticking on a fake stamp to make them look more real. 

Monday, 18 November 2013

hand draw borders

I have hand drawn some borders to scan in and apply to my Pdf, unfortunately I don't like them as they just don't seam to fit with the whole Pdf. The images below are of the hand drawn borders around one of my photographs :

Friday, 15 November 2013

layout text

I am going to write two different paragraphs for my pdf one will be about shabby chic furniture, the other will be about some advise the furniture designer gave me about creating shabby chick furniture.

about shabby chic

step by step

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

first page of my pdf boklet

I have created my first page of the Pdf, It has taken along time to put together the first page as I couldn't deiced on what I wanted to add to the final outcome.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

font decition

I have decided to use two different font in my Pdf, I have choses one for the main page titles and one for the text that will be on the layout.

I have chosen to use:
 Antique book cover

Fontleroy brown

I have chosen these fonts as i think they best fit to mach the style of my project. 

Thursday, 31 October 2013

shabby chic

I have contacted a man on facebook about going to see his studio and taking photos of his furniture. I have gone to his furniture studio in Manchester to take photos of the shabby chick furniture for my project, I enjoyed taking the photos it was nice to chat to the furniture designer about his furniture.

This is one of the pieces of furniture from the store 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

mac aperture 3.5

Mac aperture is a photo editing software that allows you to further enhance your images. The new features added to aperture 3.5 are;

  • The mixture of aperture and iPhoto to give a better library to hold you images
  • Advance white balance this gives a whole new way to correct colour
  • Improved highlights and shadows, this lifts shadowed areas and recovers blown highlights
To buy this straight from the app store it would cost you £54.99.
A down side to aperture 3.5 is that it is only available for apple laptops or computers.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


This is a story that is being shown through images. 

Empty Book

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

shutter priority mode

Shutter priority mode allows you to change the speed in which the shutter take the image you are trying to capture. 1/second is the slowest shutter speed and allows a greater amount of movement to be captured, 1/ 1000 is generally a fast shutter speed and will freeze the movement of the image you are trying to capture.

aperture mode

Aperture mode allows you to change the size of your lens opening or aperture while taking the picture, which is about how much light can be let into the camera. Generally F2.8 is the lowest that allows the most amount of light in, F22 is generally the highest F stop which allows the least amount of light in.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

shabby chick

I have decided to look it to shabby chick furniture, how its made and what different types of shabby chick furniture there is. I have already contacted people about constructing a photo shoot of there furniture. The first person I found that was willing to let me take photos lived in Nottingham and couldn't get to her.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Large & medium format cameras

Large format cameras:
A large format camera is for high quality photography and for technical, architectural and industrial photography. There are three types of large format cameras;
  1. View camera
  2. Field camera
  3. Press camera
These cameras have a wide range of movements which allow a very close control of focus and perspective.

Medium format cameras:
A medium format cameras have a film size between large format cameras and smaller than 35 mm cameras, these types of cameras have a common image size of 6x4.5 cm, 6x6 cm and 6x7 cm.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

different digital cameras

Digital SLR cameras-

  • Camera lens changes to fit  different situations 
  • These cameras have a large image sensor
Compact digital camera-
  • Has minimum of three times zoom lens and at least 12 pixels
  • Comes equipped with a number of scenes such as landscape, beach, sport and fireworks etc
Bridge compact digital camera:
  • Has more control over the settings than a normal compact camera
  • Many bridge cameras have lenses with a much longer zoom range than many other cameras
  • The lens can not be changed on the bridge camera
Mirror less interchangeable lens camera:
  • This camera is smaller than normal cameras because they do not have optical view finders
  • Equipt with an LCD screen or electronic viewfinder for preview screen.
Twin lens reflex:
  • Uses film larger than 35 mm
  • Fitted with two lenses that both have the same focal length 

this is a list of the different types of cameras

camera phone - digital camera - game camera - IP camera - movie camera - pin hole camera - pocket camera - mirror less interchangeable lens camera - range finder camera - single lens reflex camera - toy camera - traffic camera - trail camera - twin lens reflex camera - video camera - view camera.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

photography: Contemporary media and application

I was set a task to take 10 photos of myself on reflective surfaces. I took photos of myself in car mirrors to vending machines. The task was challenging as you don't really think about what kinds of surfaces there are that you would use to look at yourself.

Hand dryer

Bathroom mirror 

Apple Mac screen

Picture glass

Door handle 

Vending machine 

Car side mirror

Car window


Phone screen

Friday, 24 May 2013

finished garment

I have finished my garment/collection for the hand in date.



ribbon decition

I can't decide on the thickness of the ribbon I want for the corset, I had a sample of a thick and thin ribbon and have done a pear assessment on what other people would like on there corset.


I have decided to get the ribbon in the middle size of each ribbon because I didn't like the thin ribbon as it wasn't what I wanted and the thick ribbon was to with for what I wanted.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

corset PROBLEM

I have used an old sewing  machine because the newer ones can not handle the thickness of the leather. When clean finishing the corset I noticed when I had sewn the across the top the 'feed dogs' had ripped the leather due to how old the machine is.

I tried to cover up the rips with a thick lace. unfortunately I didn't like the look of the lace on the corset, so I cut under the ribbon in a straight line. I decided that I wasn't going to clean finish the corset as I didn't want this to happen again.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


I cant decide weather to have black, gold or bronze eyelets. when i put all 3 together to sample them I decided I like the look of having all three together on the corset. The colour of the eyelets match the colour scheme of the style theme.
 this is the eyelet sample 

this is the one side completed with all the eyelets

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

corset creation

I have decided the create my corset from the leather I was donated and the plastic leather I had bought. I have had to use both because some off the pattern pieces are bigger than others, so the small pieces are on the donated leather and the bigger pieces are in the plastic leather.

these are the panels layout in order before I have sewn them

the front panels
one side sewn together                                                                                   

 the front fully sewn together

the back panels sewn together

all panels sew together to create the corset

Friday, 17 May 2013

wings finished

I have finished the wings, after I had sewn on all the panels I cut off any excess leather and then curved the leather the I had left and curved it around and used a glue gun to keep the leather curved around the frame and onto the calico case. I have used the handles from the sample books from DFS as the straps for the wings. To make the wings secure I have used glue to sick them and sewn buttons where the holes in the handles are.
this is the finished strap on the back of the wings

finished wings

Thursday, 16 May 2013


I have created the metal frame for the heart and I realized that the leather would be hard to keep on the frame as I couldn't sew through it to keep it in place. So I have created a giant heart case from calico to glue the leather to. After sewing the case around the frame. I created the strips of leather to fit in lines across the heart, so the leather is in panels and not one big leather piece.

me drawing around the heart frame onto calico

The calico sewn around the heart frame

panel of leather sample 

me sewing the leather panels onto the frame