Friday, 24 May 2013

finished garment

I have finished my garment/collection for the hand in date.



ribbon decition

I can't decide on the thickness of the ribbon I want for the corset, I had a sample of a thick and thin ribbon and have done a pear assessment on what other people would like on there corset.


I have decided to get the ribbon in the middle size of each ribbon because I didn't like the thin ribbon as it wasn't what I wanted and the thick ribbon was to with for what I wanted.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

corset PROBLEM

I have used an old sewing  machine because the newer ones can not handle the thickness of the leather. When clean finishing the corset I noticed when I had sewn the across the top the 'feed dogs' had ripped the leather due to how old the machine is.

I tried to cover up the rips with a thick lace. unfortunately I didn't like the look of the lace on the corset, so I cut under the ribbon in a straight line. I decided that I wasn't going to clean finish the corset as I didn't want this to happen again.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


I cant decide weather to have black, gold or bronze eyelets. when i put all 3 together to sample them I decided I like the look of having all three together on the corset. The colour of the eyelets match the colour scheme of the style theme.
 this is the eyelet sample 

this is the one side completed with all the eyelets

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

corset creation

I have decided the create my corset from the leather I was donated and the plastic leather I had bought. I have had to use both because some off the pattern pieces are bigger than others, so the small pieces are on the donated leather and the bigger pieces are in the plastic leather.

these are the panels layout in order before I have sewn them

the front panels
one side sewn together                                                                                   

 the front fully sewn together

the back panels sewn together

all panels sew together to create the corset

Friday, 17 May 2013

wings finished

I have finished the wings, after I had sewn on all the panels I cut off any excess leather and then curved the leather the I had left and curved it around and used a glue gun to keep the leather curved around the frame and onto the calico case. I have used the handles from the sample books from DFS as the straps for the wings. To make the wings secure I have used glue to sick them and sewn buttons where the holes in the handles are.
this is the finished strap on the back of the wings

finished wings

Thursday, 16 May 2013


I have created the metal frame for the heart and I realized that the leather would be hard to keep on the frame as I couldn't sew through it to keep it in place. So I have created a giant heart case from calico to glue the leather to. After sewing the case around the frame. I created the strips of leather to fit in lines across the heart, so the leather is in panels and not one big leather piece.

me drawing around the heart frame onto calico

The calico sewn around the heart frame

panel of leather sample 

me sewing the leather panels onto the frame

skirt creation part 2

step 3: after pinning the seam and zip I have sewn it together and checked to see if the zip opens and closes. Then I have started to hem the bottom. After sewing the hem I have clean finished the skirt to give a nice finish. 

step 4: I have created a under netted skirt to give the skirt more volume. I have tacked the under skirt up at the side of the skirt to give a Victorian ruffle affect.

step 5: I have added a mini trail to my skirt from gold netting and I pinned a few parts of the trail up so that the trail didn't look to plain.

finished skirt

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

skirt creation

step 1: fold the fabric in half, fold again and again until in a square shape. To get the waist to the right measurement, take the waist measurement in inches and divide by 6.28. This should give you the measurement of how far down from the top you need to start cutting.

step 2: you need to open out the skirt, the skirt will look like a doughnut. then cut in a straight line up the back part of the skirt so that you have a seam line, before adding the zip I have added the waist band. Pin the seam together up until where the zip will be and then pin the zip.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

label for coret

In my one of my previous projects I created a name for my brand, I have decided to crete a label for my corset. I go the idea when i sore a corset invitation template to create a label for my corset, the label is a corset. The top image is of the template, the bottom is my label.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

leather wings idea

To create my wings I will use a patch work method, where you take a range of colours swatches and sew them together to make a patch work fabric. The patch work will be used to cover the wings, I have gathered tat much leather swatches I may possible be able to create my corset from leather.

Patch work jacket.

Friday, 10 May 2013

leather wings

I have decided to create my wings from leather to fit in with my style and theme, I found some leather in college. I realised I didn't have enough leather to fill my wings, my tutor suggested I get in contact with sofa company's in town and ask if i could have there old leather swatch books. I rand DFS, CSL, Sofaland & SCS, DFS, CSL & Sofaland said they would be happy to help and I could go in and collect what they had to give. Unfortunatly SCS never got back to me I am still awaiting there call just in case they say I can collect the swatches.




After sorting threw the swatches I found the ones that fit the colour scheme and that i could possibly use to create another set of wings if I have the time. 

lace sample

This sample has bin left in for 2 weeks, from Friday 26th April till Friday 10th May.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


I have sat down and analysed my work that I have done up to this point.

In these photos I have collected my work up until now and refected on the good and bad points. I still need to create more to insure that I can show progress in my work and devlope my sketch book. I asked people for a few suggestions on how I could move certain elements further, one suggestion was that I could look at my wings abit more and insteas of having a single wing creating double heart wings. I have done a pear analysis on what people think looks best 1 heart or 2 hearts together.
pear analysis

In the analysis I have asked fashion and art students, I have asked art students to get a different view on what they like and would like to see, asking people from the art department has given me a differnent perspective from an art point of view.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

manchester trip

We have bin on a trip to manchester, I have found a few interesting objects and clothing that I find linkto my project.